Yury Litvinov, head of the “WE” International Youth Film Festival and organizing secretary of the Union of Cinematographers of Russia, along with Pavel Slavin, creative producer of the “WE” International Youth Film Festival, were featured on the “Open Dialogue” program.


The International Youth Film Festival “WE” has officially opened its call for entries. 

The organizers, drawing from the art of cinematography, its techniques, and creative potential, invite the younger generation of our nation to explore the lives and stories of ordinary people, whom they can take pride in. They encourage these emerging talents to delve into the depths of human characters and present the faces of their contemporaries.

Participating in this film festival provides teenagers and young people with a unique opportunity to discover the heroes of our time, individuals whose lives are a source of inspiration and whose exceptional moral actions serve as guiding beacons.


In the studio, there are Yury Litvinov and Pavel Slavin. Yury serves as both the head of IYFF “We” and the organizing secretary. He is also a member of the Board of the Moscow Regional Union of Cinematographers of Russia. Pavel is the creative producer of IYFF “We”.

Don't miss the latest episode of the “Open Dialogue” program.
