About the Festival

The International Youth Film Festival “WE” (IYFF, hereinafter – the Festival) is the evolution of the Interregional Youth Film Festival “WE”, initially showcasing talents from the Moscow Region, Moscow, the Republics of Crimea, and Sakha (Yakutia). In 2023, our project team decided to take it to a new level, extending our invitation not only to teenagers but also to young enthusiasts from various regions of Russia, including recently annexed ones.

The festival will be held on the territory of Russia in the period from September 24, 2023 to December 24, 2023. Following the festival, from December 25, 2023 to April 25, 2024, non-commercial screenings of the Festival's films will be held in the regions of Russia and international venues, as part of the Echo of the IYFF “WE”. The organizers of the Festival are the Moscow Regional Organization of the All-Russian Public Organization “Union of Cinematographers of the Russian Federation” (Moscow Regional Union of Cinematographers of Russia) and Autonomous Non-Profit Organization “League of Creativity.

Our Festival's mission:

  • Inspiring teenagers and young people with essential traditional values, including life, dignity, patriotism, citizenship, high moral ideals, strong family bonds, creative endeavors, the priority of the spiritual over the material, humanism, justice, mutual assistance and respect, as well as historical memory.
  • Spotlighting and supporting talented young creatives in the cinematic realm.
  • Providing a platform for creative youth to embark on their journeys in the film industry.
  • Showcasing short films (hereinafter – Films) crafted by talented young filmmakers from various regions to a global audience.
  • Fostering cultural exchange, mutual understanding, and collaboration among filmmakers from around the world.

Capturing the essence of the Festival's core ideas, our organizers, drawing from the art of cinematography, its techniques, and creative potential, empower the next generation of filmmakers to explore the lives and stories of ordinary people whom they can take pride in. We encourage them to delve into the depths of human characters and unveil the faces of their contemporaries. Participating in the Festival provides teenagers and young adults with a unique opportunity to look around and discover the modern heroes whose lives serve as a wellspring of inspiration, whose moral actions inspire emulation.

The Festival offers its participants an opportunity to show the images of those they want to tell about through the genre that resonates with them the most, be it documentary or feature film.

The festival management offers the following award categories:

  • “Best Short Fiction Film” in the age category of 12-17 years old (awarded to the film's director)
  • “Best Documentary Short Film” in the age category of 12-17 years old (awarded to the film's director)
  • “Best Actor” in a feature film in the 12-17 age category
  • “Best Feature Short Film” in the 18-35 age category (awarded to the film's director)
  • “Best Documentary Short Film” in the category (awarded to the film's director)
  • “Best Cinematography” in a short fiction film in the 18-35 age category
  • “Best Cinematography” in a documentary short film in the 18-35 age category
  • “Best Actor” in a feature film in the 18-35 age category
  • “Hero of Our Time”
  • “WE are Together!” (out of competition)

We welcome participants from two age groups:

- Teenagers (12-17 years old)

- Youth (18-35 years old)